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Adekunle Gold (@AdekunleGOLD) is The New King ('Gold' Album Review) #TheGOLDalbum

Yes! YBNL signd singer Adekunle Gold has been crowned the new king following the unexpected release of his debut album two days go; f...



Wednesday, November 18, 2015

For every sun rise there is a sun set, every new beginning has an end, seasons come and go, every time beautiful new eyes are opened to this world some are closed forever, the rise of a new man signals the end of another. The world keeps evolving, the clock keeps ticking, time is no one’s friend, therefore awaits nobody, so why do we waste the limited time we have? Why do we procrastinate? Why do we live to impress others? Why do we allow people’s comments to take control of us? Why don’t we have the courage to face our fears? Why can’t we believe in ourselves? Why can’t we rise above our doubts? Why do we give up on our dreams? Why do we waste so much time before we realize we have to live for a purpose , we have to stand for something , we have to explore , dream big and hold on tight to whatever we believe in .Sometimes we claim to have so much time ahead of us,  and we ask ourselves why the rush?  But no one knows when death will blow its trumpet. Dying with our dreams ,visions and without fulfilling our purpose is the  worst possible thing that happens to man ,’ DEATH  ISN’T THE GREATEST TRAGEDY THAT HAPPENS TO MAN BUT A LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE’. Fear of failure has  handicapped many dreamers, but sometimes if we don’t fail we may not understand success – ‘FAILURE SHOULDN’T  BE THE END TO ANY DREAM, BUT A CHALLENGE TO START OVER AND MAKE IT BIGGER’, procrastination is a demon that haunts many people, it’s time we ROAR back !!!! Past experience is an envelope that has engulfed many, we need to break out NOW!!!!!! What a materialistic world, dreams and ideas matters no more as long as we can keep up with what’s trending then we’re satisfied .Life is far more than that. Let’s  take a deep breath, close those beautiful eyes of yours, then exhale,  imagine if that was your last breathe , then ask yourself, till this very moment  what do I represent? What do I stand for? Am I on the path to destiny? Any purpose or dream am after? What impact have I made? Have I discovered myself? We need to live everyday like it’s our  last, face each day with a purpose and make each day count , don’t be too careful- believe in the impossibilities , take risk –‘IN ORDER TO ATTAIN THE IMPOSSIBLE, ONE MUST ATTEMPT THE ABSURD’. Don’t you think it’s time we all come out of our shadows, step out of our comfort zone, we need to enter our inner self in order to discover our purpose, nothing good comes easy, remember –‘WHEN SOMETHING COMES EASY, IT SLIPS AWAY EASILY’. Let’s put this at the back of our mind­-‘EVERYBODY DIES BUT NOT EVERYBODY LIVES, A MAN WITHOUT PURPOSE IS JUST A ‘MATTER’, ONLY HAS MASS AND OCCUPIES SPACE’..God bless #youthvibes

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