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Love and Peave by Ema Okoh

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


 Humanbeing, the most advanced and knowledgeable specie on earth, intellectually a god when compared to other species, governs, rule and dominate the world. So many discoveries and inventions to its name but finds it very difficult to learn how to be at peace with each other. Ironically other species we have dominion over find it easier to live together than we do. Taking the smallest family on earth as example, the ANTS, when I see these beautiful creatures it reminds me of a simple quote ‘TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL’ because a single ant barely survives a day but as a colony they are almost unstoppable .if only we could learn how to live as one like the ants maybe the world would be a better place. Life itself is so beautiful and simple but our actions complicate it, differences in our skin color, culture, language, belief, idea, has created a bridge amongst the human race, where a group of people believe they are superior to others, then we wage war against each other, enslave each other, we go against those who don’t share our beliefs and cultural background. Sometimes I wonder if we all forget we originated from the same source, irrespective of our beliefs, those who believe in a supreme being, we were created by him and for those who believe in evolution, all life on earth shares a common ancestor. Diversity adds to the beauty of the world, makes life more interesting  and exciting, these differences shouldn’t promote division but unity, it gives us the chance to learn from each other ,share our different ideas, embrace each other’s culture, belief and background ,respect each other’s decision , value and appreciate each other. Well, I wish everybody could see things this way. Pray for this, pray for that, why can’t we just pray for humanity? pray for the spirit of love, we clamor so much for peace and we all wait for that change we eventually end up doing nothing. We need to stop waiting and start acting because this change we desire starts from you and I, if each and everyone of us can live by a simple code ‘LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF’ the world would probably be a better place .Funny enough love is one of the most used word in our generation, many preach the word but very few practice it. Making the world a better place is our responsibility, we need to promote unity, peace and love, we need to give peace and love a chance. I believe one day the world would be free of violence, war and racism, it might take a lifetime or a whole generation but I believe one day peace shall reign. We need to remember we all have a role to play in it, high time we all put love into practice. God bless humanity, God bless my country.        
                                                                     Ema Okoh

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