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Fresh: Tomi Thomas Black Couch LP.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Tomi Thomas & MTV BASE are thrilled to announce the release of the latest collection, an LP from Tomi Thomas called Black Couch.

Black Couch VOL I is the first release of the LP including genres such as Reggae, soul, RnB, and Hiphop. The first release will include titles such as “ Caught a wave, Cheat Codes and Jane” and will feature other artists such as  Santi, Tay, Bridge (LOS), BrisB (LOS) and EsoJay Luciano will be heard on this amazing collection.
The Black Couch LP will premiere on MTV Base and will be available on all digital stores such as Itunes, spotify, including visuals being released on #FirstonBase and TomiThomasVevo all distributed by UrbanMass, a digital music distribution and PR company based In Dubai.

“ Tomi Thomas keeps on flourishing and showing the that he is versatile and delivers conscious great music to the world. Black Couch has a relative sound yet has that special touch that makes it not sound like any other artist on the market” says  Jenna Kahdum - Urbanmass
“ I worked on the BlackCouch LP to push past the boundaries, everyone that worked on this project with me put in their all and i can say we all grew in the arts we all got a little bit better and that for me is the greatest reward " says Tomi Thomas
Black Couch VOL I will be released officially on the 15th of June on MTV Base
Twitter: TomiThomas_los
Instagram: TomiThomas_los
Website: www.tomithomasmusic.com

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