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Five Important Things To During The Holiday

Friday, July 1, 2016


PS: We are really sorry for not posting articles sooner, do bear with us.

After spending a ridiculous 'almost five' months for our first semester this session, it is of prior importance to carefully make use of this holiday before we are bombarded with yet another rigorous 'almost five' months. So we've compiled a list of what we think should be done by all FUNAABITES before resumption;

· Enjoy life to the fullest: Being in the university is a serious pain in…, well, on one's enjouyment level. You have to balance your time between long lecture hours, normal life activities, studying and all these leave very little room for unwinding- PROPER unwinding. So before you subject your innocent being to FUNAAB's hot, blazing sun for another three to four months, enjoy EVERY bit of your holiday, every modicum!!!!!

· Update your social knowledge: No matter how addicted you are to Instagram, BBM, Whatsapp, the internet or any other social activity, you can never have enough time in school to know all the trending hashtags, which football club is selling which player,
what Drake's very latest song (when it was freshly released), e.t.c so in order to not lose you very socially up-to-date self, spend every second you have catching up. Watch the latest movies, read the latest books, read the latest news, gist, catch up with friends—just keep yourself armed with enough (knowledge) ammunition to maintain your sanity through this upcoming semester.

· Touchup your skills: We all have things we do apart from trying to get a degree. Be it side hustle, talents, acquired skills or even passions so build on what you have during this break. If you haven’t gotten around to figuring out your own skills, don’t worry, just prepare your mind to do that during longer breaks. We spend most of our lives in school and that halo of 'studying' is always there, hanging over our heads so holidays are periods to purse your 'thing' with no conscience eating you up. Improve your extracurricular skills while you can because once you're done with university, it might be your surviving factor (Here I am, writing!!).

· Eat in: My favourite! Food in school, actually nothing can compare to properly home cooked meal. It is best to fill yourself up with the love, aroma and sweetness that accompanies properly home cooked meals so as to revitalize your immune system and also to prepare your body for the many sickness that seems to come with each semester. You might also want to keep in mind that university health centres cannot totally be trusted regarding health issues, incase you decide to underestimate the power of good food.

· Proper preparation prevents potential palava(P5): This is the last on the list (mostly because I don’t want to ruin the holiday vibe with the mention of school) but it is also of paramount importance. Towards the end of the holiday, I advise that you try and evaluate thing you did last semester/session that you weren’t proud of, academically or otherwise, and things you would like to emulate so as to enable you achieve your goals. I hope this list will enable you enjoy what's left of your holiday.   

PS: We are really sorry for not uploading any article/list for a long period and we promise to rectify that issue. Also, we want to wish our Muslim subscribers RAMADAN MUBARAK!!! May this period bring peace and fulfilment to every one. 

1 comment

  1. My own view is that you should always think out of the box and never follow the crowd...Help your loyal boy snazzy by watching "when you are high on cocaine powder and dope by snazzy on youtube" very funny skit just to make you laugh or smile depending on where you place your mind... track by snazzy - powder(panda cover)..


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